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Now that you have all the ingredients necessary for success the last thing to do is get started. Before you jump into the anabolic diet let’s take a quick glance at the potential benefits and downfalls of this type of diet. Perceived Benefits of The Anabolic Diet. Increase Fat Loss Research shows that a high-fat diet is capable of pushing your body through a fat oxidation phase enables you to effectively utilize fat as fuel, burning it as energy. Easy Weight Gain A High-Fat diet is the easiest type of diet to put on weight. You will not lose weight on this diet unless you are in the cutting phase, fats just have too many calories per gram. If you’re entering the anabolic diet with the goal of putting on weight during the bulk, especially dense muscle tissue this diet is for you, prominate 100 mg injectable steroids $88.00 primobolan, primo. More Testosterone and Growth Hormone The main reason Dr. DiPasquale created the anabolic diet was due to its steroid-like effects. The higher intake of saturated fats has been shown to increase testosterone, growth hormone and IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor ‘ 1). Count Macros over Calories Counting calories can be ever taxing. On the anabolic diet, you are more concerned with overall macronutrient ratios; once you find the happy balance you can just roll with it and not stress about the calories. Potential Downfalls of the Anabolic Diet. Increased Cholesterol Levels Looking over your meal plan it’s easy to see that this diet will induce greater cholesterol levels. There is a significant amount of research to show that a diet high in saturated fats promotes high cholesterol, heart disease, and even cancer. Low Fibre Intake Any diet that restricts carbohydrates will lack fiber. Fibre is an indigestible source of carbohydrates that keep you regular and promotes health and wellness. Lack of fiber can result in high blood pressure, lack of weight loss and more. Lack of Energy Without a constant supply of carbohydrates, your body will struggle to thrive in the gym or cognitively. It will take weeks for your body to adapt to the low levels of carbohydrates. Move into the process slowly and consult a physician before attempting this. Acid Indigestion and Bloating Very common among diets with high intakes of meat and protein in general. Animal-based proteins and fats are very difficult to digest. Our body produces hydrochloric acid to break down the nutrients into digestible forms, this can lead to indigestion and bloating. Should You try the Anabolic Diet?
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