To play, each player chooses a race. Human is the default race. Dwarf and Night Elf is each available for two choices, each with their own starting tiles. The starting tiles are laid out in three random patterns, and each player begins with five. Each turn, the Dwarves flip over one tile while the Elves flip over two, and so on. After laying their tiles, each player receives five starting power tiles. The first player receives three, the second receives two, and the third receives one.

The tiles can only be used once, so wisely spend your resources on them. You will also get a special power tile which, when used, doubles the power of all remaining power tiles on the board. Once, the first round ends, each player receives five free tiles, and loses one to the Gods of Gold. It’s worth taking a look at this rule, because if you haven’t noticed, this is an extremely powerful strategy! What makes GoGolves different than other games is the level of diplomacy and hidden treasures.

You can view all treasures on your turn, so you know exactly where to put them. During the game, if you would like to spend less points doing certain actions, you can. For example, if you are playing as the Undead, you may wish to choose not to attack until after your third turn. If you are playing as a human, it is your choice to take an extra move after drawing a card. What are gems? They are small items that are purchased with a specific amount of gold. GoGolves uses a “gambling” system.

Players can “roll” a gem into a box, hoping that it will make an increase in score, or they can “buy” a gem for a low price. Once the appropriate gems are bought, the player can place any gems in a slot or roll them on a dune card. In addition to a variety of treasures, GoGolves has another great strategy: gems that can double or triple your score. There are twenty-four different gems, and each represents a different category. As you gain experience points, your gems will level up as well.

When you have a powerful gem in your hand, you will be able to instantly place it on a tile or roll it over a dune. This allows you to place more gems on the game board and earn points more quickly. Some of your fellow players will be trying to trick you by playing greed greedy goblins. They will do this by placing their gems on the board that you think is theirs, but in actuality, it belongs to another player. If you suspect this is happening, stop playing that turn and let your opponent see your cards.

At this point, if you own the dune card, you can claim it back without having to roll for gems. This will eliminate some of the tension that comes from being defeated by greedy greed.

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