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GP Superdrol 10 mg Oral Steroids $50.00 Superdrol, buy anabolic steroids online worldwide shipping. Equipoise has gained popularity with bodybuilders and athletes as a less androgenic form of Testosterone with less Estrogenic activity than Testosterone as well. Many users enjoy comparing it to that of Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin), however, this comparison is a very poor one seeing as though Nandrolone exhibits different properties than Equipoise and is also a totally different class of compounds (a 19-nor, also known as a progestin). However, many consider Nandrolone and Equipoise to be a solid substitute for one another in any given cycle. A few interesting facts first about this compound: Equipoise was in fact developed in 1949, even before Dianabol (Methandrostenolone), making Equipoise technically the very first synthetic derivative of Testosterone even before Dianabol was ever thought of. Furthermore, Dianabol itself is actually Equipoise (Boldenone) with a methyl group attached to its 17-beta hydroxyl group on the steroid chemical structure (also known as C17-alpha alkylation) in order to allow it to become orally bioavailable in the body. Technically, Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) is actually C17-alpha alkylated Equipoise. It would have been considered an oral form of Equipoise, but the methylation at the 17th carbon atom changed enough of the properties of the compound that it was considered a totally different anabolic steroid analogue, and named Methandrostenolone (Dianabol). If pictures of the chemical structures of Equipoise and Dianabol were laid out side by side, one would easily be able to tell the exact same chemical structure between the two, with the exception of the methyl group affixed to the 17th carbon on the Dianabol chemical structure. It is very evident that these two anabolic steroids are essentially the exact same. Although Equipoise was first developed in 1949, it was not until the 1960s when this compound would be finally released and marketed as Parenabol. Between 1949 and its release in the 1960s, Ciba had toyed around with Equipoise by attempting to affix different esters onto it in order to augment its half-life and release rates. The final conclusion was that it would be released with the Undecylenate ester attached to it, and the final preparation was that of Boldenone Undecylenate. Following the release of Parenabol, various clinical trials and testing of this compound was conducted in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the goal in mind to use it as a lean mass promoting and preserving anabolic steroid in order to treat individuals suffering from any condition in which wasting and weight loss were symptoms, as well as an osteoporosis treatment, gp superdrol 10 mg oral steroids $50.00 superdrol. Parenabol saw very little application or use following its release, and towards the end of the 1970s, it was removed from the market and discontinued. Squibb would then pick up the patents for this anabolic steroid and re-release Boldenone under the name Equipoise as a veterinary anabolic steroid meant primarily for application in horses but is also intended for use in other animals. Equipoise is well known for its lean mass increases as well as its appetite-stimulant effects, which is an effect common among nearly all anabolic steroids. However, Equipoise tends to stimulate the appetite to far greater degrees than any other anabolic steroids. Although the manufacture and marketing of Equipoise has changed many hands over the years, it still remains available on the American market as well as internationally with plenty of generic brands as well as actual brand names available. CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF EQUIPOISE. As previously mentioned, Equipoise is a synthetic derivative of Testosterone where it has been modified at carbon 1 and carbon 2 on the steroid structure, where double-bonds have been added between these two carbon atoms. This is what is known as the modification that is responsible for reducing Equipoise’s affinity for interaction with the aromatase enzyme (the enzyme responsible for the conversion of androgens into Estrogen). As a result, its Estrogenic activity is regarded to be lower than Testosterone. Equipoise is Boldenone with the Undecylenate ester attached to it. Specifically, ‘Undecylenate’ is Undecylenoic acid, but once bound to Boldenone it is properly referred to in chemistry as an ester bond (or ester linkage). Undecylenoic acid is chemically bonded to the 17-beta hydroxyl group on the Boldenone structure.


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