Looking at the photos, I realise first that I am missing flags for my battalions, chicken mailbox cover plenty of flag bearers but not enough flags. Let’s take a look at two standard bearers which I have recently completed. “It feels a lot better to ride it and see it here today than it did that last day Kiddieland was open,” said Thomas Norini, a driving force behind Kiddieland. “Maybe now it will be easier to look at the old pictures. If you click on this image, to get the big version, save that, and print it on your premier-quality paper with the image 50mm high – that will give you flags which are correct for 1/72 or 20mm scale. In the short version of the French guideline they only presented these data for two red flags for malignancy (‘history of malignancy’, ‘unexplained weight loss’), while in their full paper all published accuracy data for red flags for malignancy and ankylosing spondylitis were presented.

For the presentation, we clustered red flags when the wording suggested a comparable definition or description, e.g., some guidelines state as a red flag for a fracture the ‘use of steroids’ or ‘corticosteroid use’, while others add the prefix ‘systemic’, ‘chronic’ or ‘prolonged’. The base of the flag also contains a ball bearing system of 3 balls which help to maintain the balance and keep the item from falling over. Work has prevented posting over the past few weeks, but I’m hoping to post more regularly now. Finally, after more than one year, I could find the time to paint this fantastic sculpts by Steve Barber, which I commissioned at his studio. Now firmly one of my favorite parks around after finally visiting this year, Dollywood opened their new attraction Barnstormer in March, and Scott & Carol were there to check it out. There are some Argentinians for the WTA on the workbench, together with the first AWI for a while, which I’m painting for a mate in the US.

So I’m continuing to experiment, but to be honest the faces of these and other recent figures aren’t really up to scratch (see, for example, the figure on the far left in the first photo below). The main attack by the Portuguese under Sean on the left flank against Jay’s French. He was opposed by Phil, the French senior commander and Jay, the French right flank commander. There are a number of custom flag manufacturers online that it can be quite difficult to find the right company. On the Anglo-Portuguese right flank, Ed led a British command against Fred’s French force. The Anglo-Portuguese had 14 French flags and 2 roads while the French had 12 British flags and 2 roads. In the center, Jim’s British infantry advance against Phil’s French center. Phil’s French infantry battalion rolled four musket attack dice and got 4 (!!!) infantry hits, totally destroying Jim’s battalion. The idea of a 120 figure battalion in 40mm with all five flags (1 leibfahne and 4 regimentsfahne) flying is almost too much to resist. They are led by a light infantry battalion who has 3 (out of 4) strength points.

This is also down to what I mentioned a couple of post ago, namely clearly deteriorating eyesight – I now find it very difficult to see fine detail except in bright natural light. An overview of the British center, consisting of two heavy cavalry regiments, two light infantry battalions, six line infantry battalions, and one foot battery, commanded by Jim who was also the senior Anglo-Portuguese commander. I have about 2/3 of the infantry and the Guard du Corps at 20:1 sitting in boxes under my desk and was ready to dive into painting. All ready to be hidden away in the boxes. 7. Food ought to often be prepared so that anytime your guests or participants wants to eat, you are ready and you will not be panickingto cook to order. When we charge your credit card for future payments you will not be charged a processing fee. Hopefully a pair of glasses will help. Not only does this protect the property in question, but might also help you to keep the good renters which you might already have, who live close by. They help us feel one with that group, and since childhood, we are made to learn to draw the flag of our nation which elevates the feeling of being a part of that nation.