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Reliable steroid sources


Reliable steroid sources





























Reliable steroid sources

Intramuscular anabolic steroids are often used weekly [22]. Medical anabolic steroid use seeks to attain the body’s physiological concentrations, but use for doping purposes often seeks concentrations that are approximately 40’100 times higher (supraphysiological levels) [8]. Since androgen receptors are widely found in the body, anabolic steroids affect the function of a number of different organs. This is why there are a number of potential adverse effects as well. Some of these effects are mild and temporary while others are life-threatening. The risk of adverse effects grows with the long-term use of high doses. There are a number of things that complicate the processes of studying the adverse effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids and obtaining scientific evidence, reliable steroid sources. Firstly, the use of anabolic steroids is illegal in a number of countries, whereupon people are unlikely to say anything about anabolic steroid use. Secondly, because the substances are acquired on the black markets, users do not necessarily know what substances they are using or in what quantities. Thirdly, the adverse effects of high doses cannot be the subjects of experiments on humans for ethical reasons. Finally, people also abuse substances intended for veterinary purposes, but no research data exists about the effects of these substances on humans. These are the reasons why the research data is largely speculative, often based on case studies and experiments using medical doses [8]. According to a Finnish population-based study, the risk of anabolic steroid and testosterone abusers dying prematurely was 4. In a similar Danish study, the mortality rate of anabolic steroid users was three times higher than in the control group over a period of seven years. The users also made considerably more hospital visits [24]. Adverse effects: hormonal disturbances. When excessive levels of testosterone or anabolic steroids are introduced to the body, they induce hormonal and reproductive health disturbances. In men, this suppresses endogenous hormone production. Structural shrinking takes place in the hormone producing glands and organs, such as the testicles. The periods of abuse are followed by infertility and weakened sexual functions [25, 26]. These changes are often reversible, but they can last for years. Sometimes the body will not recover at all. As a result of use, men may experience chest pain and gynecomastia. This is because the testosterone and some of the anabolic steroids are aromatized into estrogen [27, 28, 29]. In female users, testosterone and anabolic steroids induce the excessive growth of body hair, the lowering of the voice, reduction in breast size, balding, the enlargement of the clitoris, skin problems, and menstrual cycle disturbances.
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