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This plan was developed by the East German government in the late 1960s and implemented between 1974 ‘ 1989 for the explicit purpose of administering anabolic steroids to all of their athletes (whether unbeknownst to them or not) in order to dominate at the Olympic games and other international sporting events. The core goal of this program was to simply cheat the anabolic steroid testing system in the Olympics by administering what would be at the time undetectable (due to its existence not being relatively well known) anabolic steroids to unwitting athletes, both male and female, who were simply told by their trainers and coaches that they were being given tiny blue vitamins. It later became known that the majority of these ‘vitamins’ was, in fact, Oral-Turinabol. It was discovered that approximately 10,000 athletes over the course of a little over two decades were administered anabolic steroids (with most being Turinabol), whether they had known it or not. Although Tbol had expressed an incredible record of valid application and safety, in 1994 Jenapharm halted production, buy gp sust 270 mg injectable steroids sustanon (testosterone blend). This was a time in the early 1990s when the majority of anabolic steroids had been discontinued and pulled from markets all across the world due to the increasing anti-steroid stigma at the time. The increasing amounts of negative attention drawn to the use of anabolic steroids in sports in the early 1990s did not help Turinabol’s case, and its fate at the time was similar to many other anabolic steroids at the time as well. Jenapharm was eventually bought by Schering AG in 1996, but did not resume the manufacture of Turinabol. The halted production in the early 1990s coincided with the details concerning East Germany’s state sponsored doping program coming to light, and its abrupt production halt alongside the news in regards to the doping program is likely what contributed to the popular attitude among athletes and bodybuilders that Turinabol was a very mysterious, special, and prized anabolic steroid to obtain. Today there are no known pharmaceutical productions of this compound, and its production is limited to underground lab (UGL) manufacturers. CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TURINABOL. As previously mentioned, Tbol is in reality a modified form of Dianabol (Methandrostenolone), whereby it is actually a combination of the chemical structures of Dianabol and Clostebol (4-chlorotestosterone). It possesses the same general chemical structure of Dianabol along with the 4-chloro substitution that Clostebol possesses. The result is that Tbol becomes a much milder hormone than its parent hormone Dianabol. The alterations to its chemical structure remove the ability for it to be able to be aromatized into Estrogen, as well as exhibiting a far weaker androgenic strength. Turinabol therefore possesses an anabolic rating of 54, and a very low androgenic rating of 6, making its separation between anabolic and androgenic effects very distinct and favorable. Although the anabolic strength is considerably less than Dianabol’s rating of 90 ‘ 210, the distinct distance between Turinabol’s anabolic and androgenic effects tend to be far more favorable to the individual. Turinabol’s chemical modifications also grant it a 16 hour half-life as well as the ability to bind to SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin). Turinabol is C17-alpha alkylated so as to allow oral bioavailability, and as a result, will exhibit a measure of liver toxicity. It also possesses a double bond between carbon 1 and carbon 2 (also known as the 1-ene carbon), and it is this double-bond that is responsible for the reduction of androgenic strength. Lastly, as previously mentioned, a chloro group has been added at the 4th carbon, responsible for rendering it unable to aromatize as well as reducing the androgenic strength even further. Because of its distinct separation of its androgenic to anabolic effects, it is a weaker anabolic steroid than its parent hormone Dianabol. However, the assurance with Tbol is that with any apparent muscle building capability, it will present much less in the way of androgenic effects and absolutely no estrogenic effects (due to its inability to aromatize into Estrogen). Because of its fairly weaker strength than Dianabol, the doses required to elicit effects from Tbol are considered to be quite high (this will be explained shortly in the Tbol doses section of this profile). In general, athletes and bodybuilders can expect steady and quality lean mass gains with no risk of any bloating, gyno, or any other estrogenic effects.
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Along with their useful effects, all medicines can cause unwanted side-effects although not everyone experiences them. The table below lists some of the most common ones associated with mesterolone. You will find a full list in the manufacturer’s information leaflet supplied with your medicine. The unwanted effects often improve over the first few days of taking a new medicine, but speak with your doctor or pharmacist if any of the following side-effects continue or become troublesome. Possible mesterolone side-effects What can I do if I experience this? Headache and other aches and pains Drink plenty of water and ask your pharmacist to recommend a suitable painkiller. If the pain does not ease, speak with your doctor Feeling sick (nausea), tummy (abdominal) pain Stick to simple foods – avoid rich or spicy meals. If the pain does not ease quickly, speak with your doctor straightaway Acne, swollen hands or feet, raised blood pressure, increased body hair, breast or prostate problems, increased weight, baldness, mood changes If any of these become troublesome, let your doctor know. Important : if you experience frequent erections or erections that last for a long time, you must let your doctor know about this. Your treatment will need to be reviewed in order to prevent any injury. If you experience any other symptoms which you think may be due to this medicine, speak with your doctor or pharmacist. How to store mesterolone. Keep all medicines out of the reach and sight of children. Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and light. Important information about all medicines. Never take more than the prescribed dose, buy gp sust 270 mg injectable steroids sustanon (testosterone blend). If you suspect that you or someone else might have taken an overdose of this medicine go to the accident and emergency department of your local hospital at once. Take the container with you, even if it is empty. If you are having an operation or dental treatment tell the person carrying out the treatment which medicines you are taking. Do not keep out-of-date or unwanted medicines. Take them to your local pharmacy which will dispose of them for you. If you have any questions about this medicine ask your pharmacist. Further reading and references. British National Formulary, 78th Edition (Sep 2019) ; British Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, London. Proviron 25mg( Bayer ) Tabs. undefined Sustanon 270 sale online: 10 ml (270 mg/ml). Buy legit injectable testosterone blend made by dragon pharma. Gp sust 270 for sale. Gp sust 270 mg geneza pharmaceuticals $54. Sustanon one of many options of injectable testosterone in the uk, also known as sustanon 250, is an oil-based injectable consisting of four different. Sustanon 350 xerium – gp sust 270 mg gp sust is an injectable steroid. Haftada 250 mg sustanon, bayer labs sustanon, pharma sust 300,. Check the contents of the vial or amp before you draw up – the steroids you buy are often not what they say on the label. All medicines have risks and benefits. Your doctor has weighed the risks of you using sustanon 250 against the benefits they expect it. A total of 270 mg. Testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone blend. My first steroid cycle was the classic 500 mg of test enanthate for 12 weeks. Sustanon deca tren – gp sust 270 mg. Сустанон 250 купить в харькове. Testosterone propionate/testosterone phenylpropionate/testosterone isocaproate/testosterone decanoate (tp/tpp/tic/td), also known as a sustanon 250. This type of testosterone is a slow-releasing anabolic steroid with a short half-life of 4. Allows users to run short testosterone propionate. — is sustanon 250, a blend of testosterone esters used for trt outside the u. And by bodybuilders as a base for steroids, the king of. Order gp sust 270 (270 mg of testosterone blend) made by geneza. — sustanon prixsustanon 350 xerium – gp sust 270 mg gp sust is an injectable steroid which contains the hormone testosterone in five different. Gp sust 270 mg geneza pharmaceuticals $54


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