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Water Retention & Gynecomastia. Due to dianabol’s aromatization effects, and being highly estrogenic, it’s a compound that causes significant amounts of water retention. This can leave users looking puffy, bloated and smooth-looking; hence why it’s typically used in the off-season. Dianabol (methandrostenolone) doesn’t just aromatize, but it also converts to 17a-methylestradiol, which essentially is a form of estrogen significantly more potent than estradiol. This conversion, combined with its already strong aromatizing attributes, creates a a moderately estrogenic compound. Some bodybuilders may take powerful diuretics, such as lasix (furosemide) or anti-estrogens/aromatase inhibitors such as Nolvadex or Arimidex (anastrozole) to combat fluid retention on dianabol. However such protocols may decrease strength gains; due to the removal of intracellular fluid (inside the muscle cell). Furthermore, drugs that lower estrogen levels can have a negative effect on blood lipids (with the exception of Nolvadex). If bloating or water retention becomes excessive, users should lower the dose or discontinue use. Alternatively, trenbolone may be preferred option for experienced users as it doesn’t aromatize. This leads us onto the next side effect, gynecomastia , otherwise known as gyno or man boobs. Gynecomastia is when breast tissue in men begins to enlarge, resulting in swollen nipples; or the pectorals starting to form the shape of female breasts. Mild form of gynecomastia (on the left) Gyno occurs when a man’s hormones become imbalanced, and estrogen levels (the female sex hormone) rise excessively. This is common in AAS-use (anabolic androgenic steroids), particularly dianabol; due to its estrogenic nature, buy test-c 300 mg injectable steroids testosterone cypionate. In general, 37% of steroid-users will experience some form of gynecomastia (11). Severe gynecomastia from steroid-use can be treated in several ways. If you begin treatment relatively early (in the first 2 years), it’s possibnle to reverse it using AI’s (aromatase inhibitors), which essentially reduce estrogen levels and increase testosterone. Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) appears to be the most effective drug, according to research (12). However, AI’s (including Nolvadex) are generally considered a weak treatment for gynecomastia. Gyno from steroid-use usually requires surgery to correct. According to a 2018 statistics, the average cost of gyno surgery is $3,824 (13). Thus a common approach is for bodybuilders to run AI’s during a dianabol cycle, to prevent gynecomastia from developing; rather than paying to correct it later on. Gyno isn’t to be confused with other types of ‘man boobs’, which are often mistaken for gynecomastia. Common incidents of ‘moobs’ in men is just excessive chest fat which can be corrected; via fat loss and muscle-building exercises targeting the pectoral region. Note : if you take AI’s during a cycle, this may have a negative effect on blood lipids, further increasing blood pressure due to a lack of estrogen. undefined Intramuscular administration of 200 mg of testosterone cypionate produced a mean supratherapeutic cmax of 1122 ng/dl which occurred 4-5 days post-injection. A synthetic drug that acts like your body’s natural hormones, like testosterone. Reasons steroids are used: increase strength and muscle mass. Buy testosterone cypionate online no prescription, injectable steroids,. Test c300 (testosterone cypionate) – 300 mg/ml – 10ml vial – a-tech labs ; form: injection ; concentration: 300 mg/ml ; presentation: 1 vial of 10ml ; dosage: 250-. 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