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There are many people in Malaysia who desire a much better physique in terms of mass and or durability that nutritional supplement with other types of anabolic steroids other than testosterone. I think it just makes more people who wish to be big better with the same ingredients. I myself only got big from supplements and I think just that alone doesn’t make you big. I see a lot of people that are good on T, but just couldn’t get big without a nutritional aid; I would tell them to buy an organic protein powder, take a protein bar, go for high dose zinc and take a supplement of bifolate, vitamin E (and possibly niacin), vitamin B6, and folic acid like a mother (or father), and a vitamin that will help prevent cancer, like Selenium, and B-complex vitamins, like Vitamins A & C. There are so many things they can do.

It is so true. People like me, with so many things we want and need, can also give them a way to get bigger, or be just smaller and be able to do this and not be so unhealthy. It is actually quite interesting.

You just mentioned how important nutritional and exercise supplements are for getting big, but how important is exercise to getting big? And how do you think about your own body size?

Very much so. It is very important for gaining muscle mass. If you were going to lose muscle mass, you would only be down 2 to 3% of your max potential as your body would keep getting bigger.

Also, if you’re losing lean mass, it will be up with that too, as you would gain muscle. Also, if you’re gaining fat mass, it will also be increased due to the increased metabolism we all get with increased calorie requirements, and exercise.

How important is fat loss?

I don’t think it is as important as muscle and weight gain. Because muscle mass will build all on its own, and weight gain will go up too, or both. I think muscle is better; however, I would say it is harder for someone who doesn’t lose fat mass to keep fat mass on.

The same applies in regards to exercise. If you are already fat you need to do more exercise. However, if you continue to lose fat, but you continue exercising to get fat, you might gain a lot of muscle, or fat. However, I think you might also gain more fat if you continue to exercise and lose fat.

Lastly, in regards to a woman’s shape, is it something everyone should be concerned about?


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