If you are a teacher, in the business or corporate training or run any other kind of coaching centre you can't ignore the importance of technology in the classroom.

The world has changed in the last decade or so with increased adoption of smartphones and other devices. Internet has made it possible for trainees to access learning materials from anywhere. There isn't much difference between a teacher/trainer speaking in the classroom and the same lecture being delivered on YouTube.

This brings us to a pertinent question – what incentive does a trainee have in enrolling for training in a physical classroom?

The idea behind a tech driven classroom is to allow students to engage and interact with the content. Interactive Learning Management Systems are the basic minimum you need to have in your classroom these days.They make learning sessions participative and productive. You might wonder how LMS tools make learning sessions interactive. Here we look at five fantastic ways in which LMS would help you organize the most productive and rewarding classes.

1.Betters Organization of Content

Have you been sending training materials over emails or handing down the hard copies to your students? Is all the content prepared for the training spread across different hard drives, flash drives and cloud?

It is both cumbersome for you as a trainer as well as your trainees. Learning Management System does away with all the clutter and organizes all the content on a single database. What this means is that your trainees would be able to access all the learning material anytime they want which improves the learning outcome.

2. They Gamify Training

You'd have read about the popularity and wide acceptance of gamification to today's world. One of the primary objectives of modern training and education is to make it fun and interactive. As the name suggests it is nothing but adopting the inherent characteristics of gaming into learning and training.You can easily run quizzes or throw puzzles at your trainees with game-like elements and scoring systems. It creates healthy competition among the students and makes learning fun.

3. Tracking Performance of Trainees

As a trainer one of your core aims is to ensure that all your efforts are aligned to the final outcome and i.e.

retention of knowledge and improvement in skills. This is where Interactive make trainings productive. Good LMS platforms come with integrated performance tracking modules that allow you to conducts tests and other assessments for your trainees.

You will be able to standardize the entire assessment process with these tools that lets you figure out the progress of the trainees and their levels of knowledge retention. LMS tools use advanced metrics that help you tracks scores and create a leaderboard and also highlight the progress being made by the individual students.

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4.Make Learning Social

With an interactive Learning Management System in place you don't need to have all the trainees in a physical location. You can run classes via webcasting and video conferencing which is cost effective for the organization. This also makes training a more social process as you will be able to involve trainees from different geographies and backgrounds in the same classroom.This improves the sharing of ideas and arguments which in term improves the quality of discussions and arguments. With social learning process in place you will also be able to promote your training on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter that helps in improving brand visibility and increases brand recognition.

5.Learning On-Demand

As with any classroom not all your students have the same personality traits. While some are extrovert and active learners who excel being part of the crowd there are others who are introvert and don't really fancy being part of a large gathering.

It doesn't bring the best out of them. Interactive learning management systems benefit this category of students the most as it allows them to remotely access the classrooms from their own comfortable space and be part of the larger discussions. Several researches conducted on introvert students have highlighted improvement in learning curve for such students under the on-demand learning method.

To sum up Interactive Learning Management Systems have brought about a revolutionary change in the way educators teach and the trainers conduct their training session. LMS tools increase the participation of the trainees in the classrooms and also foster interaction between them.When you embrace this as a part of your training or other corporate events you will be able to increase productivity and also the learning outcome.

Summary – In this write-up we look at five fantastic ways in which Interactive Learning Management Systems are making classrooms more participative and improving the learning outcome.